days it seems like the problems just keep coming faster then you can deal with them. I've
learned over the years that there is a reason for each trial that comes our way. They are
to teach us a lesson, make our faith stronger. Perhaps its the consequences of decisions
made without the Lord's direction. However there is one thing that all problems have in
common, the ability to help someone else that later goes through the same thing. If we
could always have the ability to see our lives as God does, we could see the positives in
the negatives.
2 Corinthians 1:4 "Who comforteth us in all our tribulations (speaking of God) that
we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith
we ourselves are comforted of God."
So, what do we do when we are faced with tribulations? Do we sit and cry? Pout and
complain? Give up? As a child of God, our first course of action should be to go to our
Heavenly Father for the help that He has promised would always be available to us. Sad
to say, that most of the time this is the last course of action that is taken. Its the last ditched
effort to avoid complete catastrophe.
If we can see each trial as a learning experience to prepare us to help others in the future,
it sure makes our whole outlook different! The best counselors are those who have already
experienced the pain you are going through. They can enter into your situation with a
clearer insight into your emotions and needs. Those who have sorrowed are much better
at meeting the needs of the sorrowing. Someone who has experienced the heartache of
a miscarriage is much better at understanding the hurt another is going through.
If we look at our lives with the intent of helping others, it helps us also deal with the hurts
we have experienced. My Pastor told me once that we "Learn from the lives of others and
we heal by the help we render." I really like this saying, and I've proven its truth in my own
life. There is a lot more peace that comes through helping then pouting.
So, how does God comfort us? There are three ways, through other believers, through
His presence, and through His Holy Word.
1. Through other believers.
Galatians 6:2 "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ."
I am sure that everyone reading this today has been in a situation where you were
just completely overwhelmed with a problem. It is a pretty lonely place to be, in the
middle of a trial, all alone. I have been in this situation, and had it play out two
different ways. One, I stayed alone in my hurt and problem. The other way was
having a friend come alongside of me to help. Perhaps there is not much that they
can actually do to solve a problem, but their presence was the difference between
overwhelming depression and victory. A word of encouragement, a hug, sometimes
just the presence is all I needed. This is what helps us, it is the way we should help
others. Don't try to go marching in with all kinds of direction and plans to make
things right, just come alongside of them and let them know you care. It will become
apparent if more concrete help is needed.
2. Through God's presence.
Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not: for I am with thee: be not dismayed: for I am
thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea I will uphold thee
with the right hand of my righteousness."
As a child of God we have the wonderful presence of our Heavenly Father with us
all the time. We do however have the tendency of forgetting Him when the clouds
of adversity overshadow and the storms of life descend upon us...but He is always
there! When we come through to the other side of these times of testings and trials
we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He walked with us through those hard
times. We can in turn testify to others that are in the midst of tribulations that their
Heavenly Father will never leave them. He has promised His strength and help to
His child, and what God promises, He will deliver.
3. Through God's Holy Word.
Psalms 34:17 - 19 "The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth
them out of all their troubles. The LORD is nigh unto them that are of broken
heart: and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the
righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all."
The Bible is full of verses that tell us of the Lord's help in the midst of trouble. When
you are overwhelmed with life, open up your Bible to the Psalms and read of King
David and how the Lord delivered him out of many troubles. David praises God over
and over again for His protection, mercy, love, guidance and care. These verses
will encourage you tremendously. You then can turn around and urge others to get
into the Word of God to find the comfort they need for their souls.
No one is beyond becoming downcast, depressed and dejected. The strongest Christians
face times in their lives when they wonder how they can go on. When you are in these
times, go to the Lord, read His Word and surround yourself with other believers. We
weren't meant to travel this hard road alone. Yes, our problems are uniquely ours, but
that doesn't mean that we have to be alone. The Apostle Paul had Silas, David had
Jonathon, Peter and John traveled together, Paul also traveled with Barnabas for a
while. We are to help, strengthen and encourage each other.
Today, try to focus on others. When you focus on others, your burdens seem to become
Lord, help me live from day to day,
In such a self-forgetful way,
That even when I kneel to pray,
My prayer shall be for others.
Help me, in all the work I do,
To ever be sincere and true,
And know that all I do for You,
Must needs be done for others.
Let self be crucified and slain,
And buried deep: and all in vain.
May efforts be to rise again,
Unless to live for others.
Others, Lord, Yes others,
Let this my motto be,
Help me to live for others,
That I may live like Thee.
Charles D. Meigs
Oh, Cindy, I love this one so much. I'm going to past the whole thing into MS Word for myself and read it often. I know it might be a horrible thing to say, but in my life, in my little world, the people who have had no problems at all and lots of money are the ones who aligned themselves with the evil one, through the Ouiji board, made contact with him. The souls who are plagued with heartache and problems, they are the children of God. You are so very right on. The worst time I ever went through in my whole life was severe emotional pain brought on by getting involved with a married man. So I know a lot of times we ignore God and follow our hearts instead and thus get our hearts busted into pieces. So now I'm trying very hard to picture myself in a battle line. If my heart goes first, it will be the first to get the sword. If I let the Lord go first, his mighty angels will fight and destroy the enemy and I can just breeze right through. Thank you so much for this blessing! ~Donna