Where are you looking today? Another tedious day at the office, strenuous day traveling,
tiring day at home with the kids, depressing day, predicable day, boring day, anxious and
upsetting day, sorrowful day, pressure filled day...where do we look? We are admonished
in the verse above to be looking unto Jesus...why? Because this is where we will find the
courage, strength, will, fortitude, and grace to make it through each and every day, as they
bombard us, one after another!
I'm starting to find my vision getting worse, in fact I just had to get some reading glasses.
I was starting to have problems in seeing cooking instructions on boxes and prescription
dosages on bottles. However when I put on the glasses (which are just glorified magnifying
glasses!) I can see clearly what I am suppose to do.
It is the same idea with the trials and problems that we face on a daily basis. We have
trouble seeing through to the other side, we don't know what the solutions are that we
need to put into practice, everything looks hazy and is out of focus. But when we start
"Looking unto Jesus" our vision clears and we see that with our faith and trust secure
in our Savior we can make it through. Our vision clears, not that we necessarily see the
outcome, but we see the Savior!, He is no longer obscured by the trials. We are looking
at the solution when we are looking unto Jesus.
We read in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth
me." Most people read this verse as, "I can do all things." This is wrong. We cannot do
all things...on our own! Only as Christ Jesus gives us the strength, can we say that we
can do all things. You can make it through another tedious day at the office, strenuous
day traveling, tiring day at home with the kids, depressing day, predicable day, boring
day, anxious and upsetting day, sorrowful day, pressure filled day...why? Because in
looking at Jesus, we find the strength He has promised to make it though!
Give yourself a spiritual eye exam today. Are you seeing clearly? If not, make the
necessary changes, start looking unto Jesus, I guarantee that your eye sight will improve
Beholding Thee, Lord Jesus
Beholding Thee, Lord Jesus, what blessing fills my soul,
As to Thy compelling love I yield complete control;
Beholding Thee, Lord Jesus, my restless heart grows still,
As all my being feels the calm of Thine eternal will.
Beholding Thee, Lord Jesus, Now gazing on Thy face,
There I find Thy love anew and Thine abiding grace;
For as I look upon Thee, Thine image so divine,
Is graven deep with my heart, and in this life of mine.
Beholding Thee, Lord Jesus,
My weary soul finds rest,
Beholding Thee, Lord Jesus,
My longing heart is blest.
I look to Thee to guide me, I need Thee Lord beside me,
That I may know the rapture of Thy presence,
As I behold Thee.
Avis B. Christiansen