Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Minute Musings...Vacation!!

Summers here, schools out...it's vacation time!  Campers are stocked, airline tickets are
purchased, reservations made, suitcases packed...and we're off!  Vacation is the time that
is most looked forward to each year.  It's a time when the cares and responsibilities of the
everyday hustle and bustle of life can be pushed aside, and the flip flops, suntan lotion,
and relaxation become the priority.

Yet, in our spiritual life there is no such thing as a vacation.  The minute we let our
guard down, Satan will be right there with the temptations, lies and rot that he spews.
We also cannot take a vacation from our calling as Christians! 

We read the following admonition from the Lord in Luke chapter 10 verse 2;
"Therefore said He (Jesus) unto them, the harvest truly is great, but the labourers
are few:  pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth
labourers into his harvest."

I have a brother-in-law and nephews who are farmers.  I have never known them to
take their vacation at harvest time!  This is the one time when they are present and
working hard.  To leave the farm when there are fields ready and waiting to be harvested
would be a very irresponsible thing to do on their part.

So it is with the Christian.  God has work for us to do.  He states that the harvest is
great (ready), but His workers are few.  The harvest being talked about here is the harvest
of souls for the Kingdom of God!  How can we be slackers in the service of the King
when souls are at stake?  Our rests and rewards will come when we get to Glory, but
for now there is work to do.  Don't become a spiritual slacker, remember the harvest is
ready and waiting!


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