I've been sitting here today watching the swirling snow of the 2nd blizzard of 2014 piling
up outside. On the table in the living room sits my flashlight, matches and candles. When
ever you hear the forecast of an approaching storm you automatically go into survival
preparedness. You make sure the flashlight works, that you have candles and matches on
hand, enough food. I always turn up the thermostats a little more then normal just in case
the electricity does go out...the house will stay warmer a little longer. You make sure that e
very thing outside is secure so that nothing blows away in the wind. We take every precaution
that we can think of, in order to remain safe during a storm.
What precautions do we take to be prepared for the spiritual storms that come our way
in life? Or do we find ourselves floundering, unprepared for these tests and trials?
Hebrews 10:23 tells us, "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering:
for He is faithful that promised:" The first thing we need to make sure of is that we
have a strong faith in our God. You have heard the saying, "If God brings you to it, He
will bring you through it." Hold fast unto your faith...without wavering...God will not
leave you helpless.
Secondly remember that the Holy Word is to be our light. Psalms 119:105 "Thy word
is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." When the winds of adversity are
howling and you can't see your way, turn to the Word of God, let Him guide you through
the storm.
Lastly, remember also that the Word of God provides spiritual nourishment for you.
Jeremiah 15:16 "Thy words were found, and I did eat them: and Thy word was
unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart:" Stay spiritually healthy and strong
by feeding daily upon the Word of God; that way when the storms of life hit, you will
be strong in the Lord, able to withstand whatever comes your way.
Remember...be prepared. Put just as much effort into preparing for spiritual storms
as you put forth in preparation for the blizzards that come howling at your doors.
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