Saturday, April 18, 2015

Minute Musings...Gods Loom

Have you ever seen pictures of the old fashion looms?  Perhaps you've been fortunate
and have been able to visit somewhere and seen one working!  A loom is not for the
faint of heart.  Hours of backbreaking work is spent seated at the loom.  Attention
must be paid to every single detail, no matter how small or insignificant it seems, or
the whole pattern will be thrown off!  The Master weaver works steadily, never taking
his eyes off the pattern that he is skillfully weaving with his hands.

Our lives are like that tapestry that is being spun on the loom.  We however are not
the weavers...God is.  He alone knows what the finished pattern will look like.  We
cannot see what is taking shape in His hands, we instead only see the underside. 
Have you ever viewed the underside of a weaving?  It just seems to be a mess of
jumbled threads, knots everywhere, and no semblance of a beautiful pattern is in
sight.  One would become discouraged only seeing this side of the weaving!  Our
lives in our eyes resemble a mess of threads and knots.  We see the mistakes that
happened, wrong choices made, the place where pride took over, the shameful
actions and sinful thoughts that corrupted our hearts.  It all is just a mess to us.
But God in His rich mercy and grace is taking that rough fabric of our lives and is
making something beautiful out it.  Only He has the skill needed to turn a disaster
of a life into a masterpiece of glory! 

We sometimes look back on our life and wonder why God allowed such sorrows,
pain and trials to encompass us.  If you are honest with yourself, you will realize
that it is in these darkest hours that God became the most real to us.  These times
of greatest heartache produce the fruit of the Spirit in our lives like no other time
can.  What God allows is always for our best and His ultimate glory!

Philippians 2:13  "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do
of His good pleasure.  We only need to look around us at the masterpiece of God's
creation to know that God does all things well!  Psalms 8:3 & 19:1  "When I
consider Thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which
Thou hast ordained:  The heavens declare the glory of God;  and the firmament
sheweth His handywork."  How can we doubt that God is making our lives
beautiful and full of glory?

Take heart today.  God is making your life into
a vibrant masterpiece of breathtaking beauty that
will tell the story for ages to come of His glory,
grace, mercy and love.

My life is but a weaving
Between the Lord and me;
I may not choose the colors–
He knows what they should be.
For He can view the pattern
Upon the upper side
While I can see it only
On this, the under side.
Sometimes He weaves in sorrow,
And I in foolish pride,
Forgets He sees the upper
And I the underside.
Not ’til the loom is silent
                                               And the shuttles cease to fly
                                               Shall God unroll the canvas
                                              And explain the reason why.
                                              The dark threads are as needed
                                              In the Weaver’s skillful hand
                                              As the threads of gold and silver
                                              In the pattern He has planned.

                                                                                                  Author Unknown


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