Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Minute Musings...God Keep Our Land

Emotions are running high in our land of Canada tonight.  We are mourning the loss of two
brave soldiers murdered in the past 2 days.  It's at times like this we find our minds going to
that infamous question...why?  Our Canadian Anthem plays over and over in our thoughts,
"O Canada, we stand on guard for thee...God keep our land, glorious and free, O Canada,
we stand on guard for thee..."  We have a fierce indignation at the senseless loss of these lives
that were standing on guard for us; and an overwhelming pride in our country and the freedom
it stands for. 

Tonight, the peace we felt living in this great country has been shaken.  But I implore you to
take a step back and remember where our peace comes from to begin with.

John 16:33  "These things I (Jesus) have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have
peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation:  but be of good cheer;  I have overcome
the world."

Here in this verse we find the source of our Him!  Our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ IS peace!  Isaiah 9:6  "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given;  and
the government shall be upon His shoulder:  and His name shall be called Wonderful,
Counseller, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of PEACE."  When
our lives are hid in Jesus, we will possess the peace of God!  This is how we can maintain
a peaceful attitude regardless of insurmountable circumstances that swirl around our weak
human frames.  This divine peace in the midst of turmoil keeps our eyes fastened on the
Savior, not the storm.

Psalms 29:11  "The LORD will give strength unto His people:  the LORD will bless
His people with peace."

As we learn more over the coming days about what transpired in our Nations capital today,
let the Lord bless you with His peace.  As November 11th is fast approaching, the day of
Remembrance of those that have given their lives in war for our freedom, our thoughts
and prayers will turn again to Nathan Cirillo and Patrice Vincent and their sorrowing families.
But above all, keep in mind that, "Now the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always
by all means.  The Lord be with you all."  2 Thessalonians 3:16

Peace, the Gift of God's Love
Sweet peace, the gift of the Spirit,
Gives rest in the eye of the storm:
Though night winds may rage all around me,
His comfort and love keep me warm.
This peace defies all man's reason,
Its boundries exceed time and space;
God promises peace to His children,
Who trust His unmerited grace.
So rage, ye tempests of fury,
For ushered on wings of a dove,
Comes peace, the gift of the Spirit,
A token of fathomless love.
Peace divine that the Father planned,
Peace made mine by the Spirit's hand,
Peace that no one can understand,
Sweet peace, the gift of God's love.
                                              Carlene Clark

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