Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Heavenly Friend

Last night I had a phone call from my best friend from college days...30 years ago!  We've always kept in touch throughout the years.  Lynn reminded me last night that our kids had been pen-pals when they were little, I had forgotten all about that.  Whenever we have the chance to chat it's like time has stood still and we've never been apart.  I have a couple other friends Pam and Jessie who are the same, even separated by the miles nothing changes.  I was thinking when I woke up this morning of another friend who never changes, my wonderful Lord.  He has been with me through every trial and struggle, and has promised to be with me to the end.

Proverbs 18:24b  "And there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

I am so thankful my "friend" is close to me.  I had another dear friend Hilda stop in for a visit this morning and we were talking about the events of the past week (my husband passing away).  I started telling her the miracles that I've seen come right from the hand of the Lord.  When she left I decided to share them here with you.  I want you to see the wonderful way that my "Heavenly Friend" provides and cares for His own. 

Last month I had to sell my piano to pay for my husbands medication (he had Parkinsons and Bipolar).  Then my van broke down and I had to use part of the money for the first round of repairs...there were more coming.  My daughter works for Sobeys, and they had originally said they would pay for the family flowers for the funeral.  When my kids went to order the flowers last week there was some sort of problem (still not sure what) and Sobeys couldn't pay.  My son called and said that we would have to pay and the cost was $310.00.  I got my purse and found I had $300.00 left over from the sale of the piano, my son had a $10.00 bill in his wallet...Praise the Lord!

I still had the medication to pay for.  The Nursing Home called me the beginning of this week.  They said for patients that have no money they often will set up a trust fund that the staff donate too.  When the patient passes away they usually give it to another needy patient in the home.  They decided this time to give it to me.  They sent me a cheque for $316.00, my husband medical bill was $310.00!  Praise the Lord!

I thought my husbands pension was available to me right away to live on, but first was told that it was locked in until I was 55 (I am 50).  Then my financial advisor found out that new legislation has just passed that entitles me to the full amount right away!  Praise the Lord!

My son and daughter-in-law want me to come to live with them in Ontario.  I'm now able to give them the down payment for a home that will have a "Grannie Suite".  Not many children now a days want their mother (mother-in-law) living that close.  My children want me, and now my future is secure.  Praise the Lord!

My daughter told me that after she and James are married they were planning to move to Ontario but they had been worried about me left here by myself.  Now I'll have all my children with me...and grandchildren!  Praise the Lord!

I don't have to get my old van fixed now.  There will be enough left over after the funeral is paid for from the Life Insurance that I can get another vehicle!  Praise the Lord!

There are so many other things that have just "fallen" into place this past week, but I see the Lord's hand in it all.  How blessed I am to have such a Friend.  My two children and their significant others sang at the funeral, "What A Friend We Have In Jesus".  What a blessing it was to hear that song.  We have no other friend like Jesus.  He hurts for us, comforts us, loves us,  provides for us, guides us and is always with us; and this wonderful friend gave His life for us.

John 15:13 - 15  "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.  Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.  Henceforth I call you not servants;  for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth:  but I have called you friends."

I encourage you today to look at the things that the Lord has done for you, the way He's provided for you in your need, and then to thank Him.  We are so blessed.

Psalms 34:1  "I will bless the LORD at all times:  His praise shall continually be in my mouth."

Thank You Jesus for all You've done, thank You Lord.
Thank You Jesus for victories won, O thank You Lord:
For Thy love and tender care, for Thy Word and answered prayer:
Thank You Jesus for all You've done, Thank You Lord.
Thank You Jesus for love like Thine, thank You Lord,
Thank You Jesus for grace divine, O thank You Lord:
For the cross of Calvary, for Thy blood that cleanseth me;
Thank You Jesus that You are mine, Thank You Lord.
                                             John C. Hallett

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