Monday, September 9, 2013

Unexpected Visitor

Psalms 91:1 & 2  "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress:  my God:  in Him will I trust."

Death was an unexpected visitor in my family on September 4th, 2013.  As my children made arrangements to come home and my in-laws started coming, I found myself facing the task of burying my husband of almost 28 years.  Because of the circumstances of our marriage I've had many emotions to try to straighten out and understand.  However the one thing that required no effort on my part to figure out, was that my God was holding me up...He was right beside me.  When I couldn't think because of the overwhelming flood of emotions flooding my soul, He was wrapping His loving arms around me.  I don't know how people that don't know the Lord get through days like I've just gone through.

Psalms 118:5  "I called upon the LORD in distress:  the LORD answered me..."

Psalms 121:1 & 2  "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

Psalms 142:3  "When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then Thou knewest my path."

I love the fact that even when I can't think straight and am overwhelmed God KNOWS my path.  He knows what He has planned and where He is taking me...what a comfort that thought has been to me the last couple of days.  Even though my husband had been out of the house and in a nursing home for over 5 years, there's a shocking reality check when you realize that, yes, I'm used to being alone I'm a widow.  For some reason that has shaken me quite badly...but God knows my path! 

I know that this is a shorter devotional then I usually post, but I just wanted to let you all know that God IS real, His comfort IS real, His promises ARE real, His presence IS real.  This has just emphasized to me once more the fact that we are not promised tomorrow.  Death is real and it will happen, barring the rapture.  We only have one life which will soon be past, the day of decision must be today.  What we want to do for the Lord must be done today, tomorrow might be too late.

My Pastor said to me Wednesday morning that I now have a husband waiting in Glory that I can love, he's the man now that should have been my husband here on earth.  I have a husband that is now with my little baby I lost so many years ago.  I hurt, but I know that we will be together as a family again some day.

Thank you for the prayers and the condolences that you have sent.  This still might not be an everyday blog for a week or so, but I'm going to try as best as I can to put something on everyday.

He comforts us and give joy in tribulation;
He comforts us and gives confidence in fear.
He comforts us so that we many comfort others who are in trouble.
He comforts us and assures us He is near.
He comforts us and provides sweet consolation;
He comforts us as He wipes away our tears.
He comforts us and reminds us that our heartaches will soon be ended.
He comforts us;  every prayer the Savior hears.
                                         Rick Ragan

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