Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Summer is over.  School is right around the corner, or for some, has already begun.  I noticed one of my friends today on Facebook all nerved up because her son is starting school for the first time this year.  I remember back to that day 22 years ago when my firstborn was beginning school.  He was so excited... but I cried the whole day.  My little 3 year old daughter didn't know what was wrong with Mommy.  How had my little boy gone from a tiny baby in my arms to this little boy running out the door with his new backpack and baseball cap?  Today he and his beautiful wife are expecting their first child in November!  Some nights I can't stop the tears from coming as I wish for those long ago days of snuggles, bedtime stories and slobbery kisses.  The years seem to have come and gone so fast that I feel breathless.  Why is it that we always can't wait for them to take their first step, say their first word, lose their first tooth.  We spend so much time waiting for the next milestone that we miss the opportunity to savor the preciousness of the moment we are in.

James 4:14  "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

Do you recognize how fast your life seems to be vanishing the older you get?  I had always heard that as you age time seems to move faster...I now know that for a fact.  Autumn starts this month, before you know it Christmas will have come and gone and we will be welcoming 2014.  Do you realize that our lives have seasons as well.  For some, the Spring of your life might not have been that far in the past.  Other's are enjoying the Summer, when you're getting life planned and spreading your wings to be on your own.  Perhaps you're enjoying the Fall, busy raising your families and letting your roots sink deeper into maturity.  Or maybe your family is grown and left the nest and you're relaxing in lifes final season of Winter.  Whatever season you are in, God still has something for you to do. 

SPRING:  2 Timothy 3:15  "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures,
                 which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ

Just because one is a child doesn't mean that they can't come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and live for Him.  We have a little 7 year old boy in our church that just two weeks ago led his father to the Lord!  Don't tell me that God can't use a child. The scriptures that they learn and hide in their hearts in the Springtime of their lives, will come back to them as a guide during the other Seasons that follow.  Be faithful in raising your children in the scriptures.  Don't hinder them in being wise unto salvation.

SUMMER:  Ecclesiastes 12:1  "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth..."

How very important it is that as you pack and leave home to start life on your own, whether it's at a college or job, that you take Godly principals and live your life by them.  Establishing early on
your faith in the Lord, and trusting Him to guide in all the important decisions that will make the framework for your life is vital.  Where you go to school, what job you take, who you will marry...these are all decisions that must be made based on the Lord's will for your life.  These decisions will impact your whole future, let God lead.  Remember your Creator! 

FALL:  Joshua 24:15  "...choose you this day whom ye will serve;...but as for me and my   
             house, we will serve the LORD."

You might have been brought up in a Christian home by parents who loved the Lord and taught you from childhood from the Bible. Or perhaps you didn't have that early Godly influence to guide you.  Whichever it was, as you enter the Fall of your life, you are on your own, establishing your own homes and families, and you must decide whom you will serve.  Salvation is a personal thing.  It is not dependent on family ties, religions or nationalities.  It's between you and God alone.  You decide if you're going to except His gift of salvation and live a life dedicated to Him.  Don't let the business of this part of your life rob you of the precious time spent establishing a Godly home and teaching your children about God and His love for them.  Dedicate the Fall of your life to serve the Lord.

WINTER:  Proverbs 16:31  "The hoary (white) head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the
                  way of righteousness."

People hate getting old.  Entering the last season of life for many is a time filled with regrets and sadness over mistakes and wrong decisions made in the earlier seasons of life.  But the winter season can be beautiful for those who are walking with the Lord, still dedicated to the service of their God.  What a testimony some older saints have!  The wealth of stories they have of the faithfulness of their Lord!  The winter season of life can be glorious if it be found in the way of righteousness.

What if you find you are without a relationship with the Lord?  It's not to late, regardless of the Season you find yourself in. 

Isaiah 59:1 & 2  "Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save:  neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear:  But your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear."

Romans 5:6  "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly."

Romans 10:9  "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

Whatever Season you find yourself in today, live it for the Lord.  Each Season has it's own beauty and it's drawbacks, but with the Lord's help each can be lived victoriously for Him.

Only one life to offer, Jesus, My Lord and King;
Only one tongue to praise Thee, And of Thy mercy sing:
Only one heart's devotion, Savior, O may it be;
Consecrated alone to Thy matchless glory, yielded fully to Thee.
Only this hour is mine, Lord, May it be used for Thee:
May every passing moment, count for eternity.
Souls all around are dying, dying in sin and shame;
Help me bring them the message of Calvary's redemption, in Thy glorious Name.
Only one life to offer, Take it, dear Lord, I pray;
Nothing from Thee withholding, Thy will I now obey;
Thou who hast freely given, Thine all in all for me,
Claim this life for Thine own, to be used, my Savior, Every moment for Thee.
                                Avis B. Christiansen


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