Sunday, February 2, 2014

Minute Musings...The Power To Kill

Have you ever tried to undo something that has been done?  It's hard isn't it!  But one thing
that is impossible, is to take back something once it has been spoken.  I read a story years
ago about someone in a small village who had spread some untrue stories about another.  Later
that person tried to undo the damage that had been done with their lies.  A wise friend took
that person up to a high point in that village and gave them a bag and proceeded to ask them
to empty all the contents onto the ground.  The bag, which was filled with feathers was opened,
and emptied.  As the wind took the feathers and scattered them, the person was instructed to
gather them all up again and put them back into the bag.  It was impossible, for the wind had
scattered a lot of them out of sight by this time.  The lesson was very clearly learned...words
cannot be taken back, the damage caused cannot be undone.

We are in possession of a weapon that can be used for mass destruction!  We are instructed
in the Word of God to be very careful with our words, for our words can kill...a persons hopes,
their reputation and their very spirit can be irrevocably damaged by thoughtless cutting words. 

Proverbs 18:21  "Death and life are in the power of the tongue:"  And again in James
chapter 3 verse 8 it says, "But the tongue can no man tame:  it is an unruly evil, full of
deadly poison."  We are also instructed in Ephesians 4:29 to, "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may
minister grace unto the hearers."

To this day I still often recall the saying, "If you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all!"
A lot of times angry words spoken in the heat of the moment are said out of pride.  Pride and
the tongue are the Christians two worst enemies.

Our tongues are powerful weapons.  They can be used for evil or for good.  Proverbs 16:24
"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones."  I'm
sure you would all agree that it is better to be instrument of healing and good, then one of
death and destruction!  Do you build up or tear down with your words.  We are all going to
have to give an account of our words spoken one day.  How will your account read?  I want
the stamp of approval on my account.

Psalms 19:14  "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable
in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

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