Monday, September 1, 2014

Minute Musings...How Are You Known?

There were a lot of sayings when I was growing up, but one I remember very well is,
"You will be known by the company you keep."  How true this is!  You hang around
people that are trouble makers, always up to no good, you will gain that reputation
as well.  However, if you keep company with people that are loving, that show mercy
and grace to others, you will be known for those attributes as well.

Proverbs 13:20  "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:  but a companion
of fools shall be destroyed."

Do your neighbours know that you are a Christian?  Who do they see you spending
time with.  Do they automatically know that you will not be home Sunday morning
and evening?  Do they know that they can find you at church, fellowshipping with
other believers?  Or do they perceive you to be loud, rowdy, party-goers because of
the people they see coming and going from your home?  If you are a true child of
God, it should be evident to those around you.  The company you keep is vital to
your testimony. 

Do you keep company with God?  Do you spend time daily in His Word, fellowshipping
and communing with your Heavenly Father?  Psalms 1:1 - 3  "Blessed (happy) is the
man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of
sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.  But his delight is in the law (Word)
of the LORD:  and in His law (Word) doth he meditate day and night."  I want
you to notice the progression in these verses.  First he would walk with the ungodly,
then he would soon be standing with them, and before you know it he would be seated
with them.  There is a progression to sin, and we must be diligent to be on the watch!
However the verses state that the man would be blessed, or happy if he does not succumb
to walking, standing and sitting with sinners! 

How are you doing today?  Are you keeping company with God's people?  Are you
keeping company with God?  Or are you on the downward slide of walking, standing,
or sitting with the ungodly?  We are known by the company we keep.  I want to be
known as a Christian, a born again child of God...what about you?

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